Support at home

Being a parent/carer of young children can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit of a rollercoaster.

Parenting is often described as a journey, with different stages that present different rewards and challenges along the way. Sometimes you overcome these challenges quite easily but other times you might need some advice. 

If you ever feel you need support with your child at home then please come and speak to your child's class teacher or keyworker.  

You can email into the school office and ask for an appointment to meet with your child's class teacher: 

You can also email Mrs Martin our Family Support Worker directly on: 


Below are some links (by clicking on each picture) to some advice on things you can try if you are finding your child's behaviour challenging at home.  There are also some parenting courses that you can access through Dorset Council and support through our local family hub.