Governance Structure


The Local Governing Body comprises between 9 and 12 Governors:

Name Category Term of Office Start Date Term of Office End Date
Sarah Hartley Headteacher Ex Officio (ongoing)
Rebecca Rees Staff Governor 15.7.2021 14.7.2025
Kirsty Speers Parent Governor 14.3.2023 13.3.2027
Vacancy Parent Governor
Val Arbon Co-opted 15.7.2021 14.7.2025
Jane Clarke Co-opted 3.10.2023 2.10.2027
Belinda Marflitt Co-opted 14.3.2023 14.3.2027

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Chair - Val Arbon
  • Vice Chair - Belinda Marfitt
  • Pupil Premium and PE/Sport Premium - Jane Clarke
  • Safeguarding - Val Arbon
  • SEND - Jane Clarke
  • Appeals/Grievance/Exclusion Panels - any 3 eligible Governors

Should you need to contact a member of the Governing Body, please do so via the school office on 

01202 882532 or email