From time to time a parent may have a concern or complaint about a matter relating to their child’s experience at school.
Parents have a right for concerns and complaints they raise to be fully and objectively investigated and responded to in a timely way.
We will seek, wherever possible, to resolve complaints in an informal and speedy way. Therefore, if a parent has a concern about their child they should raise this initially with the class teacher.
If parents feel they need to take the matter further, they should follow the procedure below:-
* In the first instance speak to the Class Teacher
* Year Leader
EYFS - Miss Matier
Year 1 - Mrs Ford
Year 2 - Mrs Allen
Year 3 - Miss Marples
Year 4 - Mrs Rees
* Senior Leaders Assistant Head (Mrs Rees) Deputy Head (Mrs Pritchard)
* Head Teacher (Mrs Hartley)
* Chair of Governors (Val Arbon)
If parents still feel the matter has not been resolved, they can use the complaints policy and procedure below:
Our aim is to work in conjunction with parents and carers to achieve the best outcomes for the children of our school. If you have any worries or concerns we have an open door policy please email the office at