Geography - Year 2
Year 2- Autumn: Maps and the UK.
In this unit the children will create maps using keys and develop their directional language using compasses. They discover the United Kingdom and locate its capital cities. They look at both seasonal and daily weather patterns across the 4 countries as well as an exploration of how the land is used.
Spring: The Wider World.
In this unit the children begin to discover the wider world by studying maps of the world, its continents and its oceans. They look at the climate in different areas of the world. They begin to look at Europe and Africa more deeply as a starting point for future learning.
Environmental Focus: What is sea pollution and how does it impact the environment.
Summer: Coasts Near and Far.
In this unit the children begin to study the area of Dorset and identify some of its human and physical features. With a particular focus on coastal areas they explore the similarities and differences between Dorset, England and Mombasa, Kenya