

We believe that times tables and an understanding of multiplication needs to be taught and practiced regularly to ensure that these key number facts recalled fluently. Therefore, throughout the year, children participate in a weekly times table lesson to teach and practise the times tables expected during their year groups. During year one, the children learn to count in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and children in years two learn their two, five and ten times tables. In Year three, the children learn their three, four and eight times tables. In Year four, the children learn all times tables up to 12 x 12.   The National Curriculum multiplication and division objectives are taught through these sessions, alongside the relevant block indicated on the overview. 

The document below shows the progression of number facts through the curriculum.

 Number facts fluency overview.pdfDownload
 Updated 2024 Mathematics Long term plan.docxDownload
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Maths Wizard

Children in years two, three and four will bring home a times table folder. When the children have practised their times tables at home and at school and feel that they are fluent in it, they can bring their times table folder in to be tested by the Maths Wizard. The Maths Wizard will give the children an ipad and go onto and answer 25 question on that times table within six seconds. If they get all 25 questions correct, they will receive their times table badge. There are 12 to collect for each times table!

Once children have successfully completed all their times tables, then the children can practise and learn their corresponding division facts.


Times tables Rockstars

Children will have a login for TTRS where they can practise their times tables and complete challenges. They can collect coins to buy parts for their Rockstar in the TTRS shop.

Introduction to TTRS for parents video


 TTRS information for parents.pdfDownload
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Year 4 multiplication check

During June, the Year Four children will participate in the Year Four Multiplication Check, where they have to answer 25 times tables within 6 seconds . The purpose of the check is to determine whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. Last year 77% of our children scored 20 or more out of 25, with 42% scoring 25 out of 25.

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Assessment throughout the year

To ensure that all children become confident in their times tables, during their multiplication sessions, they practise their times tables and being able to answer them within 6 seconds. We believe that this is important to encourage fluency and ensures that children are fully prepared and secure in their times tables, in preparation for the Year Four Multiplication Check. We practise on TTRS and Maths Frame, alongside completing activities and playing games in class.