

Autumn term

During the autumn term, the children have explored colours and colour recognition, along with patterns. They have looked at matching sets of objects and using vocabulary to describe the size of these objects. The children have also been looking at counting objects and beginning to subitise small groups of objects.


Spring term

During the Spring term, the children have explored the numbers to five and practised counting and recognising the number of objects. They have looked at length, weight and capacity; using words such as shorter and longer, heavier or lighter to describe them.


Autumn term

During the Autumn term, the children have explored the numbers to five in detail. They have learnt to subitise, count, find one more and one less and developed an understanding of the composition of these numbers. They have also looked at shapes and created repeating patterns. They have looked at sequences of time and what they do during a given day.

Spring term

During the spring term, the children have looked at numbers to eight in detail. They have learnt to count, find one more and one less and the composition of these numbers. The children have been counting to twenty and exploring the composition of numbers, along with adding and subtracting numbers. They have compared numbers.