PE - Year 2


Autumn 1:

Team Building: In this unit, the children will develop their teamwork skills. They will develop key skills of communication and problem solving. The children will learn to discuss, plan and reflect on ideas and strategies. The children will have the opportunity to show honesty and fair play. They also begin to use basic map skills. This unit follows the skills of how to participate in team games and to develop simple tactics.

Fundamentals: In this unit, the children will develop the fundamental skills of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping. The children will be given opportunities to work with a range of different equipment. They will be asked to observe and recognise improvements for their own and others' skills and identify areas of strength. The children will be given the opportunity to work collaboratively with others, taking turns and sharing ideas.


The unit follows the skills of balance, agility and co-ordination, and they will begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Autumn 2

Yoga: During our Yoga unit of work, the children will learn about mindfulness and body awareness. They will begin to learn different poses and techniques that will help them to connect their mind and body. The children will build strength, flexibility, co-ordination and balance which is all linked to the improvement of well-being. The lessons include breathing and meditation through fun activities. They will practise working independently, with a partner or in a small group.


Ball Skills: In this unit of learning, the children will develop their fundamental ball skills such as throwing, catching, rolling, hitting a target, dribbling with both hands and feet and kicking. They will apply their skills with increasing control and accuracy using co-ordination and balance. The children will have the opportunity to continue to build their skills by working independently, in pairs and small groups. They will participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending, understanding the rules for each game. 

Spring 1

In spring 1, we focused on Ball skills (feet) and Gymnastics.

In ball skills the children were challenged to apply their knowledge and understanding of dribbling, passing and receiving in order to keep possession as a team and score a point.

The gymnastics unit of work has challenged pupils to explore different ways that they can link movements and balances together while travelling along a variety of pathways. Pupils have applied their 'champion gymnastics’ and are able to perform a sequence on apparatus while travelling along a chosen pathway.



Spring 2

The focus was Ball skills (hands) and Dance.

In this unit of ball skills, the children were challenged to apply their understanding of underarm and overarm throwing to beat their opponents. Pupils then further extend their understanding of why we need to be accurate when they throw.

In this dance unit the children further developed their ability to create their characters, adding movements, expression and emotion to their performance. Pupils then looked at different elements of choreography, including telling a story.


Summer 1

Year 2 will focus on Rackets, bats and balls and Team building.

The focus of the learning is for the children to refine their understanding of how they can use their hitting (striking) skills to send the ball into space in order to win a game. children will refine this understanding of why in certain games, hitting into space is essential in order to score points against the opposing team.

Team building will develop pupils’ ability to apply effective teamwork, ensuring that everyone is included and understands their role. Pupils will begin to develop and apply

simple strategies to solve problems.



Summer 2

The focus will be Games for understanding and sports day practice/athletics

In Games for understanding the children will create simple defending and attacking

tactics, while continuing to develop an understanding of the transition from defence to attack. They will then apply these tactics as a team into games.