PE - Year 3


Autumn 1

Indoor: Children will learn about mindfulness and body awareness. They learn yoga poses and techniques that will help them to connect their mind and body. The unit looks to improve wellbeing by building strength, flexibility and balance. The learning includes breathing and meditation. Children will work independently and with others to create their own yoga flows.


Outdoor: OAA (outdoor adventurous activities) allows children to develop problem solving skills through a range of challenges. Children work independently, as a pair and in a small group to plan, explore, solve, reflect and improve on strategies. They learn what makes a good team and explore key skills such as inclusion and trust. Children begin to learn to orientate a map, identify key symbols and draw and follow routes.

Autumn 2 

Indoor: Dodgeball is a target game. In this unit pupils will improve on key skills used in dodgeball such as throwing, dodging and catching. They learn how to apply simple tactics to outwit their opponents. In dodgeball, pupils achieve this by hitting opponents with a ball whilst avoiding being hit. Pupils are given opportunities to play games independently and are taught the importance of being honest whilst playing to the rules.

Outdoor: Ball skills In this unit pupils have opportunities to develop a variety of ball skills without the restrictions of specific rules related to well known games. They will develop their accuracy and consistency when tracking a ball, explore a variety of throwing techniques and learn to select the appropriate throw for the situation. They will develop catching with one and two hands as well as dribbling with feet and hands. These skills are applied to small group games. Pupils will have the opportunity to take on different roles and work both individually and with others

Spring 1 

In spring 1, we focused on Hockey and Gymnastics.

In hockey the children focused on passing accurately, moving and dribbling with a ball. Pupils learnt how to keep possession and eventually score in order to win a game scenario.

In Gymnastics we focused on movements and balances in symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. The children created sequences starting with their symmetrical balance on apparatus, moving out of it and travelling to a new piece of apparatus and ending in their asymmetrical balances applying flow.


Spring 2

The focus was Basketball and Dance.

In basketball we looked at the principles of attack vs defence, with a particular focus on passing and moving, dribbling and shooting. Pupils learnt how to keep possession and eventually score in a game.

In dance our theme was Witches and Wizards, the children responded to different stimuli where they started to add drama and emotion to the dance. Pupils then brought together their choreography and characterisation skills to tell a story.

Summer 1

Year 3 will focus on Tennis and Athletics

In Tennis, children will start to understand where and why we throw/hit the ball on the court and be introduced to basic shot techniques.

Athletics will see the children explore how we can use our bodies to run as fast as possible. They will also begin to examine how to jump as far as possible and compare throwing accurately with throwing for distance.


Summer 2

The focus will be rounders and sports day practice/athletics.

The Rounders unit will explore the concept of batting and fielding (attack and

defence). children will develop an understanding of the purpose of each team. They will learn how to apply a variety of fielding skills such as throwing and stopping the ball to keep the batter’s score low.