Year 2 RE


What did Jesus Teach – Christianity 

The children learnt about some Bible stories that show kindness and they explored how this makes Christians behave towards other people. The children considered what happens in some of the stories and how they believed Christians show kindness. They discussed ways to show kindness and how this might look in day to day life.

Christmas – Jesus as a gift from God

During this unit, the children learnt to reflect on the Christmas story and the reasons for Jesus’ birth. They investigated the beliefs of Christians, considering their belief that God gave Jesus to the world to save/help it and they looked forward to Christmas as a time of his birth. The children listened to Bible stories showing examples of how Jesus shows love and kindness. They discussed Christian beliefs about the teachings of Jesus through these stories, with the particular focus on Christmas and the Christmas story.



During this unit, the children explored the religion Islam. Throughout the unit, they considered prayer as a regular interval every day and how this impacts everyday life. The children considered the concept commitment and discussed levels of commitment and belonging within their own lives. They learnt about the different prayer postures and considered this when praying 5 times a day and the importance of this within the religion.


Christianity and the Easter story.

In RE this term the children learnt about the Easter story and how Christians believe that Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice to redeem the sins of his people. They explored the Christian belief of Heaven and what happens to Christians after they die. They discovered what an Easter egg and a Hot cross bun symbolises and they finished the unit by making Easter cards.