EYFS Science



The children explored and named the different animals in their environment. In these photos, you can see children observing and drawing butterflies.


During the year, the children explored how the seasons change. In this activity they were learning about this through art by considering Autumn colours.

Autumn Colours 

Throughout the year, the children have many opportunities to observe plants both outside in the natural world and inside. 



Throughout the year, the children are exposed to how the seasons change, observing similarities, differences and patterns. In this activity, the children walked around the school site making observations.

The children have opportunities to explore the world around them on a regular basis through their Wellies and Waterproofs sessions. This allows many opportunities for children to build on their knowledge of animals, plants and habitats.

Through play, the children are able to investigate natural materials. In these photos, the children had time to use and explore wood as a material, noticing its properties and using it for a suitable purpose in their play.