Advice on toilet training

Just like any other skill using a potty or toilet is something that children need to learn.

It’s best to take it slowly and go at your child’s pace.  Being patient with them will help them get it right. 

All children will be ready to start potty/toilet training at different times.  Most children begin to show these signs when they’re between 18-24 months old, though some may not be ready until later than that and boys can often start later and take longer to learn than girls.

If your child is beginning their toilet training journey please let their keyworker know so that we can work with you to support them to make it a success. 

There are also many lovely story books available that you could read with your child to help them begin to understand the process and get excited about using a potty or toilet.  

If you feel your child is ready to start potty/toilet training click on the links below for some useful information and helpful tips.