Frequently Asked Questions


On this page you will find a list of questions that we regularly get asked by parents throughout their child's Reception year.  


What should I be doing with my child before they start school?

We have included a separate page full of tips for helping your child to be ‘school ready’.  Please read that for ideas about what to do you will find this under our 'Welcome and Starting School' page.


Will you be visiting my child's preschool setting?

As part of our normal transition procedures we do try to visit every child in their preschool/nursery setting.  If we are unable to visit, then we will speak to all of the preschools, nurseries and childminders over the phone to ensure that we gain a full picture of your child before they start school.


What will my child need on their first day of school?

The only things that your child needs to bring to school each day is a water bottle, their book bag and coat.  All other resources are provided in school so your child does not need their own pencil case or stationery. The children will eventually need to bring into school clothing to wear for our ‘Wellies and Waterproofs’ forest school time.  However, this won't begin until the children have settled.  We will write out to parents to let them know when these clothes need to be in school.   

 Please do not send your child with additional backpacks.  They do not need them and we don't have room to store them in school.


Does my child need to bring a PE bag with their PE kit into school?

The children will have a specific PE day where they will need to wear their PE kit.  We do PE once a week.  This again will not begin until the children are settled and we will write out to parents to let them know when PE will start.  On their PE day your child will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit and will stay in their PE kit for the day.  They therefore, do not need a PE bag or kit to be in school, this can stay at home ready for you to send your child into school wearing their kit on their PE day.

Our PE kit is: 

  • Coloured school logo T-Shirt to match their colour house which will be allocated to your child when they start school.
  • Black Short
  • Black Trainers

Outdoor PE: As above and a plain black tracksuit trouser and/or jacket/jumper - only needed for colder weather. 


What if I forget to bring something, can I drop it off later?

Firstly, we understand that we are all humans and it is only natural that on occasion you might forget something.  If this happens, mention it to your class teacher.  A lot of the times we are able to manage for the day without whatever it may be.  However, if it is something that is definitely needed, then you can drop it off at the school office and it will be sent to your child's class.


What school uniform do I need?

At Wimborne First School and Nursery our school uniform is as follows:

  • School sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • School reversible jacket or fleece (optional)
  • School book bag
  • School polo shirt or plain white polo shirt
  • Grey skirt, pinafore dress, summer dress (green and white) trousers or shorts
  • White or grey socks or grey tights
  • Footwear – sensible black shoes as part of the uniform
    All the above items are available from Just William:
    Items of clothing with our school Logo on them are preferred (i.e. jumper, cardigan, polo shirt) however you not have to buy other items of our school uniform from any set shop.  It is perfectly fine to buy polo shirts, trousers, dresses and skirts from your own chosen stores such as supermarkets etc.
    Alternatively we often have a previously loved uniform table at our Summer Fair.  At this we sell quality second hand uniform, so please come along and take a look. 

Do I have to pay for school dinners?

Currently all infant aged children (4-7 year olds) are entitled to a universal free school meal every day.  Our school caterers HC3S provide a choice of healthy meals usually including a meat choice, a vegetarian choice or jacket potato. 

Children are also able to bring in their own packed lunch from home if they wish.  All children will eat all together in the school hall regardless of whether they are having packed lunch or hot school dinner.  If you are sending your child in with a packed lunch please remember that we are a nut free school. 


Do I need to provide my child with a snack?

The school is currently supplied with a range of fruit and vegetable snacks every day.  The children are able to access this snack at any point throughout the day.  If your child is under 5 they are also entitled to free milk.  You will need to register with Cool Milk and order milk for your child.  This will then be delivered directly to school.  Milk is only free for under 5’s however if you want your child to continue to have milk once they have had their 5th Birthday then you can pay for them to have milk again through Cool Milk directly:


My child has allergies, what should I do?

We have several children at Wimborne First School and Nursery who have range of allergies so please do not worry.  You will have been asked to complete a medical form for you child where you can put all the information about your child's allergy.  We have specialist school menus, so your child will still be able to have school dinners should you wish.  Once your child has started school we ensure that all staff are aware of them and their allergy, and in the Dinner Hall they will be given a special dinner tray to help staff monitor and support them more easily.  We are also a nut free school, so no nut products are used at lunch time or in class cooking lessons.

If you child has an epi pen or inhaler, we do ask for one to be kept at school in case of emergencies.  During your meet the teacher meeting as part of your child’s transition events, please speak with your child’s class teacher and let them know about any concerns you have regarding your child's allergies.


My child needs medication, how is this managed?

If your child needs prescribed medication at any point when they are at school, you will be asked to complete a medical form.  Once this is completed and signed, staff at school will then be able to give your child the required medication.


When will I know which class my child is in?

We gather information from as many sources as possible, such as preschools and yourselves when setting the classes.  We want to make sure that we have children in the right classes to make their start to school as successful as possible.  We will let you and your child know which class they are in as soon as we can as part of their transition events in the Summer Term before they start school. 


My child doesn't know anyone else, will they be ok?

We are aware that starting school can be daunting if you don't know anyone else but please do not worry.  We have children join us from a large number preschool/Nursery settings, so many children join us not knowing anyone else.  At Wimborne First School and Nursery we ensure that all staff are aware of children who have joined us on their own, so that we can give them a little bit of extra support when settling in and making new friends. 


My child isn't in the same class as their friend, can this be changed?

Once the classes have been set, we cannot change them due to the implications this would have on the other children.  When deciding the classes we take many factors into consideration, including advice from their previous child care setting.  Sometimes this does result in children not being in the same class as their closest friend.  We work as a unit and spend lots of time exploring and learning together across all of our classes.  All children in the year group have opportunities throughout the day to play together so all children will have interactions with everyone should they choose to.


My child will be attending Kingfishers before and after school Club, how do they transfer from club to class?

If your child is attending Kingfisher before school club you will drop them off directly into the room where this is held.  The doors for breakfast club open promptly at 7:45am.  At 8.35 a.m. a member of staff from breakfast club will lead and guide your child to their class and teacher, allowing them to put away their belongings just before the rest of the class are welcomed in.


If your child is attending Kingfisher after school club then a member of the Reception Team based in your child’s class will take them to the club, helping them to put their belongings in the designated area and ensure they are safely and happily settled before leaving.  This is also the case if your child attend any after school clubs held at the school.   


If you wish for your child at attend either of the Kingfisher clubs please see the separate information on our website under the parent/carer section.


As a parent there will be many questions you have about school life.  Please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of the Reception Team where we will be happy to talk you through and explain anything to help you understand school policies, procedures or to support your child in and out of school.